p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Birds, naps, and schedules

I got the girls parakeets this weekend. The female is white and the male is blue and black. I found them on the internet and it was only about 30 minutes away so Saturday morning I loaded them up and picked up my resident bird expert, a twelve year old from church and her older sister and away we went. Oh, I didn’t tell big daddy. That way I didn’t have to get them anyways after he said no.

Little princess named them Bonnie and Clyde and we bought them a nice big house shaped cage. Bonnie is semi trained and we thought separating them will help them bond to us so we sent Clyde to our expert’s house for some training of his own.

Bonnie is settling in nicely and starting to become accustom to the girls’ room. It is, however, driving the cats and dog crazy to be shut out of the girls’ room. They close the door when they want to play with the bird and the dog stands there and huffs under the door. The cats are making this crazy meowing sound that I’ve not heard from them before. Its that sound cats (outdoor one’s) make when they are stalking or being stalked by birds. Hopefully, the cage is secure on top of little princess’ dresser.

Big daddy didn’t have a problem, after the fact. He said, “What ever makes you happy.” I’m thinking in his mind he was saying that and “what ever makes you forget that I quit my job.” (Still a little pissed)

I took all four girls thrift store shopping, its one of their favorite things to do. Dropped Big princess at Powder Puff football practice and rented movies right before the rain set in. So the rest of the weekend was spent on the sofa watching movies. Not a bad thing for a family so much on the go.

What’s coming up? (No more days on the sofa, that’s for sure!)

Possible garage Sale
Possibly painting the outside of the house or kitchen
3 days in the field for audit for work
Easter Caroling on Palm Sunday
Spring Break
Napoleon Dynamite dance off
Boss has her baby
2 day Trail Ride
Pap smear
Camp out with Sunday School kids

This isn’t the schedule for the year. This is the next 30 days!!!

Lord, every moment is a gift from you. Please help me to enjoy each and every moment of the next 30 days. Help me to not get caught up in the stress of planning or be derailed by the minor bumps in my daily road. Remind me that it’s more important to be in the moment than to try to record it for prosperity. Let me show others your love through my actions.


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