p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Were you disappointed?

I’ve got one of those counter things that tell me how many people check out my “diary”. It’s a good thing to, because no one ever leaves a comment. I average about 200 people a month. I don’t have any idea how this stacks up in the blogging world. I’d have to imagine I’m small potatoes (more like the eye of the potato). My stuff is just my life and thoughts. I’m not terribly exciting or thought provoking.

I have a hard time believing that anyone could find me (so to speak) in this vast space. I have only given the site to 1 person (who needed a laugh) and Big Princess stumbled onto it (actually she was obsessed with finding me).

I tend to forget that when I leave comments on other blogs that my site info gets attached. So when I check out my stats and which search engines are finding me, sometimes I’m being found from leaving comments elsewhere. For the most part its pretty dull stuff but... I do read one extremely risqué blog (sorry, no plug) and occasionally comment on it.

So I have to wonder what those people thought when they followed the risqué stuff to my blog. They must have been so disappointed. I’m sure they were hoping for more than they found.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure how I found your blog. Maybe there was a link on someone else's blog, or perhaps I found it through one of your comments on someone else's blog. Either way, I have kept coming back and no, I am not disappointed. I have a blog similar to yours. I just write day to day stuff about my life and try to make it humorous and interesting. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't. But your blog is great, don't apologize for it. There are millions of blogs out there - something for everyone. If someone doesn't like what you write, they can move on to another, but otherwise, keep writing. You've got fans. : )

May 3, 2005 at 12:58 PM  

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