p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Monday, October 10, 2005

No Plans

I made a split second decision Sunday at church or maybe God was sending instructions, I don’t know, but I pretty much demanded that I be allowed to take the 2 teenagers from one of our “Katrina families” for the afternoon.

The mother and daughter, "A" (college freshman) had just returned the day before from New Orleans where they discovered they really have nothing. They were truly optimistic before leaving that they would be recovering their belongings, clothes, musical instruments, appliances, etc. They returned with what remains their greatest earthly treasure, photos. All that’s left of their previous life. The house they owned, unlivable, the instruments, appliances, ruined, the clothing, ruined beyond repair.

I had no plan but to distract them for an afternoon and to give their mom and the couple they are all staying with some quiet down time.

We went home, had some lunch and kicked around ideas. JP (high school freshman) wanted only to watch football, his former home team was playing. I know A likes art and suggested the art museum and just for kicks offered to take her to the Snake Farm (our road side attraction). She seemed excited about the Snake Farm so I threw out the Wild Animal Refuge. Next thing I know little princess wants to go (she was willing to skip the art museum) and JP is willing to leave the game since his team is losing and join us.

The four of us had a great time, laughter being the primary noise in the vehicle.

I probably would have gone home, done some chores, watched some TV, maybe a nap. So my Sunday of no plans developed into a plan on the fly, and it was good.

To all of you: sometimes you just have to listen to that little voice in your head, don’t worry about the chores of life and just do it. For more fun, do it with someone.


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