p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Friday, September 30, 2005

Not much to tell

It's a mad scramble to get out of dodge.

We're breaking in a new kid. The orientation takes about an hour. New kid will have to feed and take care of everyone for the next 4 days. This requires knowing which cat can go out and which has to stay in. Two white ferrets, he must tell the difference between them because one of them needs medication, the other doesn't. Birds must fly, fish must sleep, ferrets must play, dogs must poo (outside my house) and cats need litter boxes scooped.

The Exec. VP thought I was already gone this morning and told everyone on the conference call I was loafing at the beach. I cut in and said, "I will be just as soon as I wrap up a couple of things here at the office." So its been a mad scramble to knock out some projects. I think 2 is gonna be my limit today. I've also got to make sure our rider for the MS 150 Bike to the Beach is set to go. We just secured him a place to sleep this morning, he leaves tomorrow. I think he's good to go.

I haven't even started packing. The minivan is fully of misc. crap, a shoe, a shirt, books, cd cases, etc.

It was both sad and fun to call Big Princess and tell her we are going on vacation without her. I miss her like crazy but she really doesn't like the beach. She offered to come home and watch the house. Hmmmm, pay the new kid $10/day or pay her $80 in gas to drive home and eat all our food and leave the house a mess. See ya at Thanksgiving BP!

Other than that, I'm outta here.


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