p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I Don't Even Know Who I Am

There have been several news stories about teens blogging to much personal information. They're pouring out their hearts and divulging all kinds of personal information online about their sex lives, and their drug lives. This information would disturb parents, and might even interest police.

After seeing the latest story on the news, Big Daddy immediately looks at me and says “See, I told you this would happen,” like we had just suffered a home invasion due to my blog. “And what about the princesses? Have you checked their blogs?”

This coming from the man who cannot even get to the internet on his own and has never seen anyone’s blog.

I assure him that the girls are not using personal information and that no one (except family) is even visiting the princess’ sites.

“What about yours? You said that 200 people a month are reading your blog.”

True, but most of them are there by accident, don’t spend much time, and are in another country. Here’s this month’s stats:

285 hits so far this month

Vistors from:
United Kingdom

Search engine requests:
rubber necking
questions about in love with cousin
i love rats
shot in the butt
how to get dried house paint off of car carpet

Those that know me might recognize me but I don’t think there’s enough info out there for the average joe to put it together. And why would he want to? How dull must their life be to want to figure out who I am?

What are they gonna do…

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