p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Hey, atleast I enjoy it.

I've noticed some stuff about me recently. I like to worry. I like to worry in advance. I'm already worrying about how to pay for next year's college tuition. I'm worrying about the lack of advanced planning for next month's youth trip to Dallas.

I call the youth leader to tell him the trip is planned for Fri, Sat, Sun, but the kids aren't off school on Fri, their off on Monday. He tells me he hasn't even thought about it. "What? We're taking 12 teens 5 hours from home for a 3 day weekend in the big city in less than 4 weeks and you haven't thought about it!"

We need:
What time are we leaving and for which days
permission slips
Food list
supply list (what we need them to bring)
trip list (who's riding with who, and yes, this is a big deal)
rooming list (this is an even bigger deal)
schedule of events (keep 'em busy or pay the price)
What time we'll leave from there.
Who will be dropped off at their home and who will have parents pick them up

I've also noticed I like to make lists. It makes me feel better about the chaos around me.

I noticed today that I like to touch stuff while walking down the hallway. I was leaving work and caught myself drumming my knuckles on each of the doors in the hallway. I wondered if anyone thought someone was standing outside the door knocking. In my office I touch stuff while walking down the hallway too. I always touch the top of the spiked plants, run my hands along the wall. If I'm alone in the elevator I always touch the screw hole with my car key.

Maybe just a touch of OCD.


Blogger rod said...

I think you're my doppelganger.

January 12, 2006 at 7:38 AM  
Blogger punkest gurl said...

shot gun!!!!! dibs on mother in law room with ry......and plan a meal with corn on the cob....thats what we need from farmers market.

January 13, 2006 at 7:33 PM  

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