p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Don't do your kids any favors

There was a serious wreck in front of our building last week. The sports car hit a tree and pinned the teen driver in the wreckage for about an hour. The building maintenance guy said the driver's shoulder was crushed and that he grabbed a metal pole and tried to raise the roof enough to get it off the boy. Here's the real kicker: The red sports car was brand new, still had temporary paper plates, his back window still read "Happy 16th Birthday" on broken glass, and his passenger was his 14 year old brother. They were on their way to what I like to call the "rich" high school.

What has a sixteen year old truly done to earn a sports car? I'll tell you: Nothing!

Little princess asked me again when she would get a cell phone. My answer is the same every year she has asked me, "when you have the income to pay the monthly bill, just like your sister". This is the 4th year I've told her this. She actually has friends who have had a cell phone since 3rd grade. What the hell for?

So their parents know where they are? Hello, its called caring enough to know before your child is out of sight where they're going and with who. Why do these kids need to have a phone a school? Columbine? Did that start this trend?

I see these kids and they don't respect their parents or the gifts lavished upon them. They are greedy disrepectful brats that think they should be given even more.

When either of the princesses start in about so-n-so's parents brought them this or gave them that, I just tell them "Well, I guess their parents don't love them as much as I love you."

I want them to know what its like to deserve what they earn. Oh, I thoroughly plan to help them achieve whatever their hearts desire--but I'm not giving them anything on a platter.


Blogger shockcat said...

pSily, if I had the time, I'd tell you a few things on this subject. It drives me out of my mind how the spoiled brats are these days. No respect for money, it's all about them. Perhaps we should discuss this one day. It's a great topic and I certainly have input I want to share. And no, I don't think I've met Mr. Generation Gap, I am Mr. Generation Gap!

November 1, 2005 at 3:47 PM  

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