p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Friday, December 16, 2005

The follies of my youth

Well....it all started back in probably 1980. You know how they call us white people? Well that's probably my fault. I am white to the point of being transparent. So a bunch of us "white" people decided that we wanted to be called "tan" and proceeded to slather our bodies with baby oil and iodine (not sure why iodine) and bake ourselves in the sun. Rarely did any of us become tan. Generally we became "pink" and sometimes even "red" but never really "tan".

So fast forward 25 years. The formerly "tan" people now seem to be more of a "leather" color and texture. The "white" are "white" again but with spots. Most of my spots are just freckles, some of which I had 25 or more years ago. But occasionally I find a "new" freckle and my doctor doesn't always like new freckles.

Yesterday I had a new freckle the size of a nickel removed from the side of my thigh. They cut it out in the shape of a cat's eye so they can stitch the ends together. All in all, totally painless procedure and only minimally uncomfortable the next day or so. Little princess enjoys seeing the stitches. "How many? How many?" Ten stitches for the folly of my youth.


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