p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Friday, February 03, 2006

Yeeee Hawwww

Tomorrow is opening day at the rodeo so I'll wear myself out with a 12 hr day on my feet with children. But its only once a year for 2 weeks and 3 weekends. We'll be there atleast 3 days for various events including but not limited to Kid Rock in concert. Little princess has been selected (one of 12 kids form the county) to calf scramble. She will attempt to be the first to halter and drag a calf across the finish line.

So we are having Taco Bell for dinner tonight because eating at the rodeo does take some preparation. Gotta get my gut ready for the feast of "bad for you" food of Rodeo:

funnel cake (maybe called elephant ears in your parts)
fried snickers bars (really shouldn't miss this it you get the chance)
smoked turkey legs (nobody does it like rodeo, they are $8 but the size of your head)
cotton candy (surely there aren't calories in air, right?)
candy/carmel apples (depending on your dental capabilities)
chalupas (messy but totally worth it, bring extra shirt)
fried onions (blooming onions just like you get at the restaurant)
homemade ice cream (fresh outta da cow)

And that's just the stuff we'll pay to eat.

Then you have all the freebie food. Samples of:
cowboy beans
jerky (of all varieties)

There are lots more in both categories but my belly's starting to hurt.


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