Can I borrow an ice pick?
Its all fun and games until you're in so much pain that if you owned an ice pick you'd puncture your own ear drum.
My boss said let's wrap it up at 4 pm Friday. We'd hard a long hard week and deserved to go home. I'd starting feeling like something had blown in with the storm the night before, itchy eyes, a little stuffy. By Saturday morning I no longer believed it was allergy related. By Sunday I was writhing in pain. Big Daddy said "Are you crying?" I'm in quite a bit of pain here.
As usual, I was left alone in my room to die. Saturday I actually had to get up and go to the store for tissues and drugs. On Sunday I crawled out to make myself some toast. Little princess did occasionally come ask if I needed anything but only because she wanted to ask me if she could get on the computer or go outside (and leave me to my death).
I struggled to the doctor's office Monday morning only to find out it was now a different doctor's office and I had to complete all new patient paperwork. I got into it with the receptionist and then the nurse said my blood pressure and pulse were a wee bit high. No shit?
I'm feeling a tiny bit better after downing all 4 of the drugs the doctors prescribed. But with a diagnose of strep, ear infection and sinus infection I bet I'll be home one more day. Now this is a torture all its own.
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