p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Adventures That Cost Less Than $20 (part 1)

We had a discussion as to whether we should call the schedule phone number posted at the bus stop. I have no idea why either of them opposed calling for information. "I'm shy," said LP.

Finally, after 20 min., the bus comes back on our side of the street. We immediately confess we don't know what we're doing and that we've never ridden public transportation before. The driver was a very nice guy explained most of what we needed to know. (He did leave one important piece of info out, but I'll tell you what it was later.)

We deposit 80 cents each and this will get us a 2 hr. ride to the mall downtown.

I love the sign at the front of the bus that warns I could become flat as a pancake and end up with little x's over my eyes if I cross the street in front of the bus.

We chat with the driver, talk to other passengers, look out the windows, and listen to our ipods. LP freaks when I start to sing along outloud. (I just can't help it!)

BP decided to go incognito, hence the wig and glasses. She was trying out the theory that blondes have more fun.

We made it downtown and I asked the driver where we should get out for the mall.

"Two or three more stops, don't worry I'll tell you when," he says and at the next stop, he gets off the bus and a new driver jumps on and drives us away.

We know approx. where we are and decide not to risk it and exit the next time the bus stops.

We did pretty good and only had to walk a couple of blocks to the mall.

Don't ask me why but we all found this store front window captivating.

Here's proof that we made it to the Mall. Now, can we find our way home?



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