Just because I can...
I like to sit in the back row at church and here's why:
The Youth Group lead worship yesterday. I've had every teen up there in my Sunday School class. I felt like the proud parent of each of them but at the same time wanted to give them some of the grief they have each given me over the years. So from the back row I made faces at them and waved like a crazy bag lady waving at squirrels.
Our church has the kids pick up the offering. I always snicker at other church's who have the oldest men in the congregation collect they money. They are always so dignified and serious. Our church calls for "any child that would like to help with the offering". Sometimes no one moves and the pastor has to call out again. Other times 3-4 kids will try to race each other to the front to grab the collect plate. I've seen all sorts of silly walks and facial expressions. Today I caught the attention of 2 little boys who are about 6 years old.
I was the last person to pass the plate and as I handed it to the little boy, I slipped in my check...folded into a paper airplane.
I watched his face as he nudged his buddy who had finished collecting the other half of the church. They just stood there at the back of the church for a minute, staring at the one boy's collection plate.
After church, one of the boys came up to me and asked me to show him how to make a paper airplane.
I'm not sure if I made his day, or he made mine.
both of you, no doubt.
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