p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

2 important things on the way... with a side of fries.

Ok, I've had blogger issues. Namely they moved me to google and google won't let me log on from home. Some crap about cookies. (For the record, I didn't have the cookies anywhere close to the computer, they were in the kitchen, except for the 12 lbs that my mother-inlaw sent us from Ohio but my dog ate 90% of them while I was at work.)

I'm working on my New Year's resolution. Don't worry, it doesn't include losing weight, cleaning my house more, not swearing, giving up drinking Buttery Nipples in a tall glass, or anything like that.

I have to compile all the photos of us girls' Most Exciting Adventure (of last week). Not to give too much away but it involves me, little princess, Big Princess, public transportation, a blonde wig, pole dancing, jump rope with an air hose, and having to call little princess' babysitting job for a ride.

I can't say any more or I'll give it away.
Quit asking.
I'll have it ready in a day or so.

Ok, as a bonus, if you ask, I'll tell you about my vehicle getting robbed at 2:30 am and me running out and yelling at the 3 hoodlums in my pink pajamas and barefoot.
(Big Daddy says I don't know when to be afraid.)



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