p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Friday, January 26, 2007

Wait! I have questions...

I rush home from a busy day in the field, traffic's a nightmare, I'm still working projects in my head. I enter the house and rush to the back to change clothes for the gym and talk to Big Daddy about how we're going to pay for the furnance that crapped out last night. As I rush by, little princess says in her chipper, 13 year old voice, "We had sex ed today!"

Great, that's just what I felt like talking about at this very moment... "That's nice honey but can we talk later?"

I change, iron out the furnance finances and hustle to the kitchen to fill a water bottle. "So what did you learn in sex ed today?"

"You know.... sex ed."

"No, I don't know. {{jokingly}} Did they cover annal sex?"


Sputtering water all over the kitchen, "You're kidding me."


"Well, ahhhh, do you have any questions?"


"What else did you learn?"

"That there's 4 kinds of sex."

I run thru my mind... one-two-three-????, I tick it off on my fingers... one-two-three-???? "Uhmm, four?"

"Yes, four kinds of sex."

"Ok... then... I have a question... I'm fourty [cough] something and I can only think of three kinds of sex: oral, intercourse, and annal. What's number four?"

"M u th ER, I don't want to say it."

"Come on, I need to know. They never bothered to teach me number four when I was in school."



Blogger rod said...

so what are you, the master of the cliff hanger? Oh, I bet you're not even going to tell us #4.
Oh yeah? well, I'll start guessing on your comments until you educate us.
starting now:

#4: solo?

January 29, 2007 at 7:12 PM  

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