p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Friday, October 08, 2004

The What If's

"What if" tomorrow:

I win the lottery?
I get hit by a bus?
My husband leaves me?
I find out God doesn't exist?

Wow, this list sounds like the good, the bad, and the ugly. I'm pretty sure none of this is going to happen tomorrow. But "What if"?

Big princess and I were driving to Church and everything was normal. We were talking and laughing with each other. It was one of those one-on-one moments that I cherish when we are more like best friends than mother/daughter. Suddenly I had a flash of an on-coming car swerving into us head on. At the last millisecond, the other driver corrected. It happened so fast I didn't have time to react, be frightened, or shout obscenities as is my nature. Big princess didn't even notice, that's how fast it was. She was laughing over something she said and must have blinked.

I thought "Wow, what if that was my last conscience moment on earth?" Would my life be good enough to get that golden ticket into the pearly gates? Crap, probably not. What if we were both just gone? At least we would have gone out laughing and together.

"Mom... Mom ... Moooommm! Are you listening to me."

Yes, dear? You are hilarious.


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