p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Old soul, New body

I watched the babies in the nursery today. I occasionally fill in when our regular person is out of town but today she caught me in the hallway and asked if I could watch the babies. She said she was hanging on by a thread. I don't know if she meant spiritually or physically but I told her, no problem.

I hadn't been in the nursery in a couple of months so I had a new baby to learn with. She is a tiny little thing with plenty of dark hair, with a little nose and rosebud lips and tiny eyes with long lashes. She is a foster baby who was put into foster care while just three days old. She is totally amazing, this little bundle of baby. I was told she normally sleeps the whole time.

Well, she's getting older (she's probably about a month old now), maybe realizing time is short and you can't sleep your life away. Maybe she was just gassy. I held her, rocking and patting her. I snuggled her into the crook of my arm and for a moment she gazed into my eyes and seemed to search my soul. I could hardly breathe or blink, afraid I would lose the connection we had. Her eyes scanned mine and she seemed to be reading my intentions toward her. Then she sighed and closed her eyes. I felt her body relax as she fell asleep.

Wow, better than a sermon.


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