p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Chapter 2 Isn't really about me either

I’m sure later I’ll think of stories that should have been told in between the ones laid out here. Maybe I’ll go back after I think I’m finished and add a chapter at the end titled “the missing stories” instead of editing the whole thing and putting the missing stories in their proper place. Who knows?

My mom remarried a nice man who has apparently been overweight and balding for all of his life. She had him adopt me and for 18 years he was my father. He told her he couldn’t have children (I don’t know why he thought this). But lo and behold he gave me a little brother. My brother and I are approximately two years a part so you can tell my mom didn’t wait long to remarry. This is probably the beginning of her co-dependency on men. This is strictly my diagnosis and not that of a trained medical professional.

I can remember fights where the two of them fought over my brother. I was probably around five years old and remember crying while watching them pull him back and forth by his arms wrestling for custody of him. This is when I knew he loved my brother more than me. They never fought over who got me.

My mom says she couldn’t live with a man who wouldn’t stand up for her. Let’s see if I can pull the memory of what she told me from the recesses of my mind. A man borrowed something of value from my father and wouldn’t give it back. Mom sent him to get it but he was too afraid. I think he told her something along the lines of “But he’ll kick my ass if I go over there.” Mom went to get it and the man kicked her ass. Beat her up. Remember this man because he reappears in the story several years later and plays a major role in my life.

So ends marriage number 2.


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