I'm a little nervous
I realized last night that things are going well... too well.
Everything is falling into place and my wildly spinning life is starting to, I don't know, spin more slowly, on its own, without me running madly from place to place worrying that something will come crashing down.
There aren't 50 appointments on any 30 days worth of calendar. Our finances are in a better place and we have a plan to become debt free in motion. I can answer the phone without checking to see who's calling first. Well, I still do that. After all, it might be family. This month there was still money in the checking account after all the bills were paid. I was confused by this and had to recheck the budget to see if I had screwed up.
So much has been done to the house in terms of desperately needed home repairs, the children are well stocked with clothing and supplies for school, the pets have their vacinations, and the community service schedule has been worked out.
We are down to:
SAMMs family shelter 1x/month
Lions Club 2x/month
4-H 1x/month
Girl Scouts 2x/month
SA Ferret club 1x/month
American Legion 1x/month
Family Service Assoc. at Christmas only
That's only 8 commited days per month, down from 15 days. This I can handle.
You know what's bugging me? I can't get one single person to take Big Princess' place at the shelter. Its 3 hours once a month. You go and play with children while their parents take classes on things like parenting and budgeting to break the cycle of homelessness.
Its not like I'm asking them to bath beggers and lepers.
Not one single person has offered to take her place and I've asked the congregation for 2 months now. You can't give up 3 hours of TV once a month to play with children?
Oh well, things are going so well that I am faithful that it will work out. All things in God's time.
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