p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

A Rita you can't drink

It appears that Rita is coming for a visit, so get out of the way.

My company actually has a written plan that we are putting into motion. We are being released in a staggered fashion today to shop for food and supplies and secure our homes here at corporate. Then some of us (team B) will head to the coastal areas to relieve coworkers (team A) to do the same. Then team A comes back to work by Friday am and team B pulls back to a safe area and we all wait for the storm. After its over, team B rushes in with supplies and fresh workers and team A is released to check on family and home.

It really doesn't matter much where Rita actually hits at this point, we have offices from Corpus Christi to Louisiana with a second corporate office in downtown Houston.

I just returned from shopping for water, batteries, milk, bread, toilet paper, etc. I noticed the canned goods are disappearing fast. Big Daddy is securing the house and said the news is already reporting people in Houston and Corpus are fighting in stores over buying water.

I'll gas up both vehicles tomorrow and rent movies. Hey, the cable could go out, you gotta be prepared. Anyways, its not my first disaster (definitely not my last) and I'm not stupid. We'll be fine.


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