p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The 7', 7 lb. Mommy

I remember when both my girls thought I walked on water. I was the smartest, prettiest, bestest person on earth. Little princess made me a mother’s day card in first grade that I still have. It says I am 7 ft. tall, with blonde hair and blue eyes, and I weigh 7 lbs. (I love that kid). She also says I love broccoli and pizza. So, 4 out of 6 ain’t bad.

I remember the exact moments that each girl realized I did not know everything. The older they got, the less they thought I knew. But I pretty much know from experience each and every broken heart, guilty thought, and doubt either of them has ever had.

Little princess is just starting that hard path of adolescence. She doesn’t want to ask for help, not in school, not in life. She confessed that a boy asked her out at school. I asked her what she told him. “I didn’t know what to say, so I took off running.” (thoughts in my head: Hmmm, is she wanting my advice.)

Ooops, I think everyone should remember she’s 12 and 5/6th’s years old and every moment of middle school is a life or death deal breaker and if you’ve called 28 of your closest friends and no one answers, you are allowed to talk to your mom but don’t expect her to understand.

As Big Princess has grown into adulthood (she’ll be 20 before this year’s over), I think she is reverting to childhood memories of her mom being intelligent. She still keeps her secrets but she seems to be more open to my advice. Of course I am still waiting for her to actually take any of my advice but hey, she’s listening and that’s a start.

Its hard to watch them grow. Sometimes (i.e., every friggin day), I want to tell my girls exactly what they can and cannot do, what will and will not happen, what they should and should not do, what they can and cannot achieve without getting hurt, whether its a physical, emotional or spiritual wound. But each day I have less and less right to plan their lives. What would I really achieve by mapping out their whole lives for them in a totally safe manner. Would it really be a life worth living? for any of us?

Thank the Lord, my Father gave me free choice…and forgiveness. Can I give my girls any less?

Disclaimer: And no, this is NOT permission for Big Princess to get a tattoo and ask for forgiveness later. I will still bust your ass. And that’s a promise!


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