p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Frickin Suckamatash

I just discovered that a co-worker in my department has been working on the same friggin project I have been slaving over.

Let's just say I'm pissed.

My boss said that the co-worker had started it but didn't have time to finish it and he was tired of waiting for it. So I assumed that the pile given to me was where the co-worker had left off, not the orignal pile. I get about half way in after a couple weeks and I can't decifer what the procedure numbers are referring to and the hyperlinks are broken, so I decide to call the co-worker since the boss is unavailable to see if he can point me in the right direction. That's when we discover we're working the same project with different instructions as to how the final product should look.

I have worked hours and hours of extra time and set aside other projects and work to get this moving for my boss.

So I set the whole thing aside and a couple days pass before the boss returns and I tell him that I called my co-worker for some help on the project. He freaks out just a little. "I should have told him I was gonna have you take it over.... I didn't think to tell you the he didn't know you had the project in your hands..."


I finally finished a rough draft that apparently the two of them are going to work on at an off-site retreat of sorts.

I don't think I've ever been more bored while working my ass off. I haven't seen the last of this project but atleast now everyone knows who's doing what to it.


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