p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Does anyone have any PeptoBismal?

Big Princess came home from college this weekend for one of her favorite events, Dinner and a Movie. I preview a movie and write down every piece of food or something resembling food that appears in the movie. I then serve it during that exact moment in the movie. She has been trying to get me to do Willie Wonka for probably 5 years. Some of the movies I can remember doing:
Bruce Almighty
Never Cry Wolf

My excuse is that I will not be responsible for the sugar overdose of 8 teens and it doesn’t have a religious tie-in, that and I didn't want to drop $100 on candy. But I finally gave in. They wanted the old version, not the Depp one and that surprised me because they are all big Johnny Depp fans. To their credit, he does just look weird and creepy in this movie remake.

For the movie that they thought would result in 10 lbs of candy each, we had:
Cabbage soup and bread (I can't believe that 2 of the 6 asked for seconds)
Candy, of course (gummy bears, almonds, kisses, fruit rollups, gum, ½ lb. bar of chocolate for the winning ticket)
Chocolate milk (for the river scene)
Everlasting gobstoppers (couldn't find in the store so BP made them by microwaving 5 jelly beans together)
Tomato soup (the kids say I make the best ever)... Secret ingredient= homemade salsa
Roast beef
Baked potato
Blueberry pie
Fizzy soda
Hardboiled eggs (for the goose that lays the golden egg)

They left with large, sore bellys. I warned them.

Who said:
"I've just decided to switch our Friday schedule to Monday, which means that the test we take each Friday on what we learned during the week will now take place on Monday before we've learned it. But since today is Tuesday, it doesn't matter in the slightest."


Blogger rod said...

I am quite jealous of your parental brilliance. I really am.

October 25, 2006 at 12:45 AM  
Blogger Zow Zow said...

That is the most awesome thing I have ever heard. I will steal it from you (I hope that's ok!)

Now, I have to compile a good list of movies to try it with...

October 27, 2006 at 5:27 PM  
Blogger The Teller said...

Steal away... I stole the idea from Dinner and a Movie on TV where they make a dish during the commericals and name it after the movie. I tried to get the teens to make the food at the first one but they have no focus. You can almost do any movie, just watch it for the details and pay attention to the background. I once served cornflakes and the kids rewound the movie 3 times before they saw the cereal on the counter. Or make food to fit the theme. In Dragonfly I made drumsticks and a candy mix resembling parrot food for the parrot in the movie. It helps if you preview the movie with the sound off so you don't get caught up in the plot.

October 30, 2006 at 7:22 AM  

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