p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Monday, October 16, 2006


Have you ever awoken and felt like someone hit the Ctrl, Alt, Delete keys of your brain?

I laid down for a nap on Sunday, not because I was particularly tired, more like because there was time. It was a little late for a nap (3 pm) but I haven't napped for more than 1 hour in the last year or two so I didn't think it would affect my ability to fall asleep that night.

Next thing I know, Big Daddy was attempting to gently wake me up. The sun was low in the sky and I could see the clock glowing 6:30 but 6:30 when?

I struggled to sit up and Big Daddy asked me, "You want me to wake you, right?"

I tried to process why he was even home on a Monday morning instead of at work. I said "Oh, that's ok but I don't have to be up until 7."

He replied, "Honey, its Sunday."

"Oh, what time do we need to be in Corpus Christi?"

He looked puzzled and then said, "Ahhh, that was last Sunday."

"So we've already been to church? Ok, I remember, then we went to the Sunday School pool party. Ok, you want me to make dinner, right?"

I can't believe how disorienting a 3 and a half hour nap can be when you aren't in practice.


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