p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Googled and got me instead:

1. gym locker
2. say "i love you" bad cell phone reception
3. "when i hug people"
4. goggles no glue johnny depp
5. ps i love you johnny depp
6. P.S. i love you explanation
7. neice panties

I may just start throwing around the name Johnny Depp in every post since it seems to bring people to me. (I love you Johnny Depp. Call me!)

I have no idea what someone was looking for by googling "goggles no glue johnny depp". I mean, what does Johnny Depp have to do with "no glue"? (I'm assuming the "goggles" thing is from Johnny Depp playing Willie Wonka.)

And #7? WTF? They had better have meant "nice".


ps. I Love You Johnny Depp


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