Crisis in Teenland
I was just working away at my desk when the phone rang; I could see by caller id that it was little princess. Yep, 4 pm, she's home from school.
Now all I hear is crying, deep, sobbing, sad crying. My heart jumps into my throat but not as fast as I jump to grab my purse and coat, prepared to sprint home.
"Princess, what's going on? What's wrong?" (I know that those words in print sound kinda calm but it came out of my mouth sounding like panic.)
"My boyfriend broke up with me... wahhhhhhhh"
Oh, the relief I felt. The adrenaline fell from my body and hit the floor with a splat.
"Oh honey, I'm so sorry. What did he say?"
"He, he, he said he just thinks of me as a friend, not a girlfriend.... wahhhhhh"
"Well, he sounds like he was trying to do the right thing, tell you the truth, not string you along. I mean, what if he didn't break up with you for, like 2 years and then said he'd always just thought of you as a friend and you'd passed up dating other boys. That would suck, right?"
"So now you need to do the right thing and not talk smack about him... cause he wasn't mean about this, right?"
"And you now get to date other boys, right?"
"So dry your eyes and go pick out a smokin' hot outfit for school tomorrow so you can start looking for Mr. Right. Ok?"
"Ok Mom, see you when you get home from work."
Crisis diverted, back to safety statistics on 800 contractors.
Labels: conversations
in two years when Molly is LP's age, can I get you to give me some lessons on crisis aversion such as this one?
good job mom
Well, you have to perform the follow up too.
Rounded up 2 slightly older girlfriends (14 & 18) and hit Basken Robins for ice cream and damage control. I wanted her to hear from someone a little older that it was going to be ok.
Afterall, what do I know. I've had a boyfriend for 20 years and broken hearts are, well, just different today than they were 30 years ago. Gosh, I didn't even have cable TV, cell phones, or the internet back then and that stuff changed everything.
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