Please Pass the Ammo
I'm off in only a matter of hours to the company skeet shoot. I'm excited and nervous. I know I'm not as good as most but Lord, please don't let me embarass myself.
I get to go by myself. Yea! It's not that I don't want to spend time with my family. Its just that I want to focus on my business relationships and that's hard to do if I have whinning adolescents around me and Big Daddy is sitting like a petrified lump in the corner. I have a hard time focusing on multiple priorities.
Its like church. I love having Big Daddy beside me at church but then I feel obligated to be at his side instead of wandering around talking to other people. How does everyone else seem to balance this?
I really better figure it out fast. The church made me a deacon.
Yeah, yeah, I know. I've done my best to avoid this for years. I really didn't think it would happen. They only needed 4 people and 7 were nominated, all way more qualified than me. My back up plan was to have Big Princess start a smear campaign that I punch baby rabbits in the face. That made several people laugh and make hand gestures to me during the sermon like they were punching baby rabbits in the face.
Anyways, I'm off for a little R&R with my shotgun. Wish me luck.
Labels: Adventures, things that resemble work, travel
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