p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Is Jerry Springer available for parties?

Well, I did it. I surprised little princess with a birthday party. She left to get movies with Big daddy and when she returned all her friends hit her with silly string. I then spent the next 12 hours listening to little girl games. No, not little girl games but preteen “how mean can I be and still have people side with me” games. If I had to go thru that on a daily basis, I’d kill myself. It’s like jungle warfare with words.

I started to relate some of the mean things they said to each other but it just looked even uglier on paper.

Finally, their parents came to pick them up and I thought "thank goodness, its over". Then the last mother (little princess’ best-friend’s mom) came in and she was pissed. She said she couldn’t believe that I let the 7 girls sleep in a tent in our front yard. That she came by in the middle of the night and the front door was locked and she assumed that all the girls were inside. Now she finds out they were in the tent afterall. Do we know that we have two registered sex offenders in our subdivision? She proceeds to tell me how dare I endanger her daughter’s life and storms out.

I was blind sighted by her attack. I tried to explain that the door was locked by mistake when my daughter came home from work at 1 am and that the girls had a cell phone in the tent and the front window was open because the girls had run an extension cord into the house for the radio and that my husband had gotten up to check on them several times.

The woman was under the impression I was unaware of the sex offenders. Untrue. One has lived there about 6 years, my family knows which house is his and what he looks like and what to do if he is seen. In six years we have never seen him out of his yard. The second one moved in about 2 years ago and again we informed our neighbors and discussed with our children what do to if they saw him. Neither of them live on my street and I can't stop anyone from living where they choose. (Trust me, I checked on it.) We also have 2 deputy sheriffs and 1 police detective that live within a square block of us. We are a neighborhood that knows our neighbors and watches the comings and goings.

I felt that the girls were secure by shear numbers and two watch dogs. My girls have slept in the tent in our front yard many times. But this woman had me second-guessing myself and I felt like shit the rest of the weekend.

I had to tell little princess that I was pretty sure she would not be allowed to play with her best friend any more. I had to explain why. She deserved to know. She called her friend 3 times over the weekend to tell her she left stuff at our house. Her calls were not answered or returned.

Next year I think I’ll just invite Jerry Springer and crew. I think there will be less drama…


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