p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Dis and Dat, maybe I will, maybe I won't

I’m off work Thursday and Friday and I want to do something with the princesses but something that doesn’t cost much. Little princess and I have dental appointments first thing Thursday and I’m supposed to work the bingo hall from 12-2 pm for the Lions Club and then Big princess has to work at 5 pm. So what to do? Big Daddy gets no time off. He may get off a little early on Friday (Christmas eve) but by then everything is closed.

I got an email from a friend, her husband left her and the kids last night. He thinks she is having an affair, she swears she’s not. I don’t know how to help. I’m afraid of getting caught in the middle. I make excuses to myself, “I don’t have any training in family counseling.” I still feel like I should do something, DO SOMETHING. I probably won’t do anything but maybe I will.

Tomorrow is my brother’s birthday. He’s vacationing at my mom’s until Christmas. I’ll call him and wish him Happy Birthday. I still haven’t spoken to him since we had the big fight over Christmas gifts. I haven’t decided if I’ll apologize for getting bent out of shape and losing my cool. I still feel the same way about his crying broke so he won’t have to give presents, so I won’t be apologizing for that. Mom made some of the same noise about being poor but she still sent a check. I still say “Hell, don’t buy me anything if you don’t feel it in your heart.” Actually, I’m a little offended by checks and cash. To me it says, I don’t know or care about you enough to try and buy you a gift.

We’ve got church tonight, just a meal and maybe some caroling. I’m feeling odd man out at church lately and I don’t know why. I’m sure it’s just me. Mostly it’s just on Wed. nights I feel left out. I find myself alone at a table. I look around, everyone else is sitting with someone and talking. I’ve tried combating this by a.) sitting with my children and b.) sitting with any children available. Ha, I’m all grown up and still sitting at the kid’s table.

I’m looking forward to relaxing over the holidays. Who knows maybe I’ll write, maybe I won’t. We’ll see…
In case I don’t, Merry Christmas. May you feel Christ’s breath upon your soul.


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