p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Cheese found

Hey, guess where my lost slice of cheese was? In my daytimer under today's date. I had flipped the page when my boss and I were discussing next week's meetings. I guess that should be a lesson, "When you are lost, flip back to today."

Crisis over and my office won't smell really bad when I return next week. Oh, did I mention that I've work my vacation days out so that I don't have to work a full week from mid Nov. thru the rest of this year. I'm off on all Fridays from hear on out! My plan is to sleep in (don't get to do this on weekends), bake (we'll see if I really get around to this), and take care of holiday stuff (like decorating, shopping and wrapping).


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