Benedict, Pope / Book Reviewer
Apparently the Pope doesn’t have enough to do so he’s taken to reviewing books in his spare time when he isn’t praying for the souls of Catholics or running the affairs of his private county in Pope Land.
Do get me wrong, I happen to like the Pope. Well, to be honest, I don’t know this Pope yet. But I really liked the last one. This new guy is considerably younger so maybe he has a lot more energy and that’s why he’s taken a part-time job.
Its been written that Pope Benedict believes the Harry Potter books subtly seduce young readers and "distort Christianity in the soul" before it can develop properly.
"It is good to enlighten people about Harry Potter, because these are subtle seductions which act unnoticed and by this deeply distort Christianity in the soul, before it can grow properly," Benedict wrote.
I was unaware that my soul needed to grow properly. I must think on this. No, wait, the Catholic church doesn’t want me thinking. The Pope will tell me what to think. Oh yeah, I remember, that’s why I left.
It’s not that I’m a Pro-Harry Potter fanatic or a Down-With-Catholics lunatic, its just the Vatican’s strange change of position since it had previously approved, telling us that Harry Potter helped children to understand the difference between good and evil.
The new Pope explains this change of position. "The ability of the reader to distinguish between good and evil is overridden by emotional manipulation and intellectual obfuscation."
Obfusca what?
Oh well, I’m sure that Catholics around the world will ignore this mandate just like they do birth control and divorce and most have probably all ready reserved their copy of the latest Potter book.
Isn’t it funny the things that get me going.
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