p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

More puzzle pieces

I feel like I'm getting my life back. Or atleast control of my life.

The cat girls called and after 3 months, they are coming back for their 3 cats. The pet sitting job went from 2 weeks into all summer. The cats tear up the house, harrass the birds, hate the ferrets, and basically I can't wait until they are gone. The princesses will cry (a lot).

The sunroom window that Big Daddy broke six months ago finally got replaced. Now the dog can't break in and the cats can't break out and it won't flood everytime it rains. It took so long because early estimates came in at $500 and we didn't have it. But I found someone who did it for $150. I'm so happy and pleased that I want to send him a $25 bonus.

The indoor cat (the only one not spayed) that escaped 3 months ago was finally caught this morning. She's still pregnant so thank God we don't have to try and find her kittens and we can take good care of her and them.

The tent we borrowed for Big Princess' graduation was finally returned this weekend. And Big Princess is delivering all the baby stuff I've gathered for a friend. I've got my livingroom back!!!

I'm feeling fabulous. I think its due to everything falling into place.


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