p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Monday, February 27, 2006

The more I learn, the less I know

I read that Southern Baptists are banning missionaries that have a private prayer language. “What the hell is private prayer language?” I’ve never heard of it. So I did what most everyone does these days, I googled it.

The issue of a private prayer language, generally considered a form of glossolalia or speaking in tongues, came to a head in November when IMB trustees adopted a policy banning the future appointment of missionaries who practice a private prayer language. IMB policy already excludes people who speak in tongues in public worship from serving as missionaries.

Ok, private prayer language is speaking in tongues. I didn’t know it had a proper term of glossolalia but I’ve at least heard of speaking in tongues. I’ve never given it much thought. I don’t know anyone that speaks in tongues. I’ve always thought it up there with dancing with snakes. But in keeping with my world and religious views, If it doesn’t hurt you or yours, let it be. What does it matter to me if someone down the street or across the world speaks in tongues?

But if the Southern Baptists are in an uproar about it, maybe I should educate myself a little better so that if it comes up in polite society I can follow along. I went back to my trusty google.

What is prayer in tongues? It is speaking in a language that you have never consciously learned, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It happens through your spirit, therefore your mind is not involved, leaving you to do other things at the same time as praying in tongues. (like what? The dishes?)

The languages that the Holy Spirit inspires us to pray, worship and speak in, are not "made-up" -- do not try to speak in tongues on your own. It is not done with the mind. Some people who haven't been baptized into the Holy Spirit, and do not speak in tongues themselves, might tell an unsuspecting believer, "Just repeat after me: blah, blah, blah, and you will be speaking in tongues." No, that's not how it works!

Well good, at least someone is telling people not to just make it up.

I can see the Southern Baptists not wanting their missionaries to speak in tongues. Religion is confusing enough in the beginning without throwing in glossolalia. (note to self: check on pronunciation so you don’t sound retarded when you try to throw this term around.) But I don’t understand how it affects anyone if you chose to have a private prayer language. I mean, its between you and God how you pray in private…unless you’re Southern Baptist*.

*This last item might not be true as I have not studied other religions to see if they like to poke their noses in other people’s private stuff.


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