p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Friday, February 10, 2006

School Bound

Big Daddy is off for college tomorrow. Its Father-Daughter Day and he's making the drive. (and yes, he's bringing you dryer sheets) I think its just the cutest thing when he does something like this. Last time was a father-daughter Girl Scout dance with little princess.

Its like he gets to play prince charming.

The down side of this particular trip is that the weather is turning and before its over he could be driving on ice. I'm trying to be nice about it but in reality I can't wait til he leaves.

"Honey, don't forget to charge your cell phone for the trip. Dear, would you like to take my vehicle since its has a cd player and a heater that works? Here sweetie, I ran to the bank at lunch and got you some cash for the weekend. Oh, and what time are you leaving again?"

I'm never alone in my own house and I'm totally looking forward to a day of nothing. I plan to rent movies and stay snuggled up on the sofa all day. Or maybe I'll do something totally exciting and get my hair cut...


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