p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

On the road again

Barely back and I'm washing clothes and repacking my bags. This time I'm off to Houston for a couple days. I make a lot of day trips for work but this is my first overnighter, alone.

Am I the only adult person that still packs an extra pair of underwear? Just in case.

I don't mind being alone in my house. Actually, I crave time alone in my house. But I don't really like being alone in a strange place. What will I do to amuse myself all evening? Dinner, Survivor, but then what? Do I wander the city alone, go to sleep, read the bible from the drawer, call my friends, jump on the bed?

I even think it will be weird to be in a strange corporate office for two days. My routine will be thrown off; in at 8 am, cup of oatmeal at my desk, smoke at 10 am, pee, back to the office, lunch, 3 pm smoke, check the mailroom, visit with friends on the way back, pee before I leave at 5 pm.

In Houston I won't have my own space, won't have to answer 60 phone calls, can't check my email all day, don't know when lunch is, can't leave until someone tells me to. And they flippin start the day at 7 am!

No worries, I'll take my squishy pillow and my own blankie and I'll be Ok in the big city.

If not, at least I'll have extra panties...


Blogger Laura said...

You are SO not alone! If I'm flying, I carry my extra pair of "chonies" in my carry on. You know, just in case ...

Great blog; keep it up!

February 22, 2006 at 7:58 PM  
Blogger rod said...

no, you're definitely not alone. I, too, really enjoy being home alone, but it loses its fizzle being alone somewhere else. I had a day and half alone in Sante Fe back in Oct., and was so looking forward to it. When it came, I was SO lonely. There are only so many microbreweries even in Sante Fe.
Also, I, uh, I, um, I also pack an extra pair of undies. I'm not sure if I ever thought about a just in case though.

February 23, 2006 at 8:25 AM  

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