p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Friday, March 03, 2006

What's it all mean?

Last night I had a really bizarre dream that woke me up nightmare style.

I was gypsy like, wandering around with several kids. I had this sense that Satan was following me, tormenting me. Finally, I was in a convenience store, in line to pay for something and I became frantic and couldn't take being tomented by Satan any longer. I felt like I was moments from death. I grabbed the arm of the woman in front of me who had just finished paying. I begged her to pray for me. She said ok and started to leave and I grabbed her arm again and told her she didn't understand. "You need to pray for me right now or I might not make it." I wondered frantically if she would. I knew I seemed crazy, insane. She put her hand on my shoulder and prayed. I felt tremendous relief and woke up breathing like I'd run a race.


Blogger punkest gurl said...

is it just me or do you always seem to have more kids in your dreams? anywho, maybe it's a special lent dream. where the temptation is everywhere, hence satan followig you, and whatever you have given up in real life is a constant temptation to you so you feel like you can't ever get away from it. or maybe it was just god saying "hey missy, it's alright, i'm here." i dunno your choice.

March 6, 2006 at 1:34 PM  

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