p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Life's a Beach

So me, the princesses and the adopted princesses all got up at 3 am.


To go to Padre Island of course. A girls only beach trip.

I paid for gas and the entrance fee and the 2 oldest paid for all the food. We hit the road at 3:30 after a brief stop for sodas and ice. We arrived on the beach at 6:30 am just as the sun came up. We drove down the beach until we found about a 1/2 mile of beach all for ourselves and unloaded.

We walked the beach but there weren't any shells. We did however find a purple dildo and a couple of condoms mingled in the seaweed with other assorted trash. But unlike our last visit, no red tide, no dead fish or sea snakes. Yea! The girls played in the ocean until about 8:30 when we headed into town for breakfast at Sonic.

I didn't have any cell phone reception until we left the beach so I returned calls. The office really doesn't care where I am or why, when they want me, they want me now.

We then shopped for souveniers. I always buy the girls something that all matches. That way when we see one of us wearing it we'll go "I remember that trip!!!" They all got beaded necklaces with a shark tooth pendent. Then back to the beach.

We still got our 1/2 mile to ourselves. There were a couple more people but everyone kept their distance from each other. The two older girls begged for me to play peep show with them. Keep in mind, they are 17 and 19 yrs old. We walk up the beach for a ways and then go out past the breakers and swim without our tops until the surf pushes back to our starting point. Then tops up, walk back up the beach and do it again. Its incredibly freeing and we all three love it. The 2 younger girls boogie boarded in the general area of our vehicle and basically didn't have a clue what we were up to. Oh, someday they too will want to play peep show. I just wonder if it will be 5 of us or will the other two out grow their game.

We all played at the edge of the surf where Big Princess let us bury her in the sand. We even sculpted her a sand penis. I wish we hadn't forgotten the camera but then again I kind think the memories are better than photos. I know we'll all be talking (only amongst ourselves) about this trip for sometime.

It was time to head out about 1 pm. We went back to the visitor's station where the tourists were just starting to arrive by the bus load. Since they were just arriving we had the showers to ourselves. I commented that I think it was the first time we all group showered since basically it was just stalls, no doors or curtains. We stopped for lunch at McDonald's, I took a couple more business calls and arrived home around 4:30 pm. Slightly sunburned even though we applied sunscreen 3 times and avoided the heat of the day.

6 hrs of driving
$40 in gas
$13 drinks & ice
$17 snacks
$30 souveniers
$10 breakfast Sonic
$12 lunch at McDonald's

Teaching the girls how to be comfortable in their own skin and that nudity is ok in certain situations...priceless.


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