p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I'm must post quick like

before blogger crashes.

I can't post from home and at work, blogger just hangs there. Its very frustrating because so much is happening that I want to get down before my mind dumps the data.

I have 2 huge projects at work that are causing me to lose sleep, SARA Title III reporting and the inaugral issue of the company newsletter, both due Feb. 28th. To top that off, I'm taking 15 youths from church on a 4 day retreat to Dallas this Friday, thus shortening the available hours to get both projects done.

Meanwhile, back in the rest of my life...

Things are piling up on my desk while I focus on the 2 projects and home life is less than perfect with Big Daddy being grumpy from going back to double shifts this week and little princess is on a lying jag. She is lying about everything and anything. I asked her last night if she had given her friend the permission slip for this weekend, if not I'd run it over to her house. She assured me that she had indeed given it to her. This morning at 6 am the phone rang. (I figured someone must have died because my phone does not ring at that hour, ever.) The girl called to ask little princess to bring the permission slip to school today or she couldn't go this weekend. I want to beat her hinney (I'm giving up swearing for Lent).

No one's moods affect me like Big Daddy's. If he's grumpy, I walk on eggshells. I don't know why I let it get to me. My mom can't get to me, not my brother nor my boss. If Big D is in a mood my heart pounds and I start looking for a hiding place. Now don't get the wrong impression, I have NOTHING to fear. (I could probably take him in a fight.) He doesn't seem to understand it either. I hate my response to his moods.

I will back date the stuff I've been trying to post when blogger decides to allow it.

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Blogger rod said...

I'm glad you were able to slip in this little update.
Enjoy your yoot trip to dallas, even in the midst of the projects hanging.
Hope BD's mood lightens. Al and I were assessing last night, the sources of stress that have drawn her away a bit these last few weeks. Must be something in the spousal waters. But if spouse ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

February 22, 2007 at 10:00 AM  

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