p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Back to Normal Insanity

We are home... at last. And everyone is alive... still.

I didn't have access to a computer built after 1984 for the rest of the trip, but on the up side, neither did I have to sleep in any more bunk beds either.

Cuyahoga Falls:
We went to the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame and who knew you'd have to spend 12 hrs reading to be able to enjoy it. After 6 hrs, little princess says "I'm all rocked out, can we go?"

Nephew wasn't bad like I was led to believe. In fact he was cute and both kids were pretty well behaved. Best news, we got the king bed and my sis-inlaw/husband took the sofa. They are now our sole beneficiaries and get everything when we die.

Big Daddy and I slept in the basement on a combo pullout sofa/air mattress. The girls had the guest room upstairs. My mom's husband (henceforth referred to as "Ahole") performed just as I thought he would. He waits to find one of us alone and then bitches about something we have done to personally ruin his life by visiting.

Day trip to the Dunes at Lake Michigan was lovely. I enjoyed showing the princesses something from my childhood that I actually enjoyed. My brother brought his new girlfriend and her daughter with us. (He says she's not his girlfriend but she lives with him and provides no income. I call that a live-in hooker.) The water was only 58 degrees but the beach was hot. Big Princess managed to lock herself in a changing room and I had to get a park ranger to come in the women's room and bust her out.

Day trip to Chicago to see the Museum of Science and Industry. Cool stuff. We took the extended tour and played CSI. Then off to see the Cubs at Wrigley field. Parking was $40-$25 and some of the people trying to sell parking looked like they might not have had the authority to do so and were just taking people's money. We enjoyed the classic baseball game; hot dogs, foam finger, hats, pizza, nachos, beer, peanuts, cotton candy. Then it happened, CUBS WIN, CUBS WIN! For a Cubs fan at his first Wrigley game, it doesn't get better than that. I think I saw a tear in Big Daddy's eye before he splashed his face with beer to hide the fact that he was all choked up.

Then off to see Big Daddy's grandparents in Omaha. We received word that grandma was just diagnosed with lung cancer and we needed to get there. Physically she looked good but mentally she was fading fast. (I understand this has been over the course of the last year.) She asked us like 80 times if we wanted a pop (soft drink). She also had false memories of Big Daddy going places as a kid with them. He gently tried to tell her that she must be thinking of someone else as he had never been there.

And for the grand finale we drove 17 hrs straight home. I called the milkman, who watched the pets/house for us to let him know we were home and he apologized for the mess. He had planned to come over before we got home and clean up. Apparently the cats were playing Lord of the Flies and had taken over the house, creating all kinds of mess.

I got up the next morning and went to work. My boss said, "I thought you would take today off."

I think I've had enough family, thanks.

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Blogger rod said...

Though I hate to admit it, I know what you mean about enough family. Our kids have changed so much in the last year, that this summer's break is proving unprepared for. How can you prepare for house-roaming, bored (read: boring) teenagers?
But of course, that has nothing to do with why I'm taking my 2 weeks alone this year. No No.
In fact, I'm heading your way. We should have a cup and a talk.

June 23, 2007 at 9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl, you are so funny. While I don't think I would want to live your vacation, I do wish I was a mouse stowed away in your suitcase. You make everything so hilarious.

July 1, 2007 at 7:26 PM  

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