p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Wait, I think I forgot to mention...

Fact #1
We had no water for the first three days here. We had to fetch buckets of water from the rain barrels to be able to flush the toilets. Little princess is constipated because she's afraid to poop. They called the plumber and of course he was 8+ hrs late but after a couple of hours watching him crawl around under the house, we now have water. This is good because there were 11 stinky people here and the 15 foot pile of dirty laundry was threatening to walk to town.

Fact #2
Big Daddy and I are sleeping on bunkbeds. Yes, bunkbeds. Little princess is sharing a top bunk with her 7 yr. old cousin and Big Princess is sleeping on an air matress that is flat every morning. We may be the youngest people in this house but each morning as we try to mobilize we look worse than the residents of a nusing home.

Fact #3
There is nothing to do here. The girls and I have given each other pedicures, filed off the callus' on our feet, done manicures, facials and masks. We drove the 45 min. to town and shopped the thrift stores. Big Princess did find a Pop Up Video board game for $1 and 2 wigs for $2 each. We were going to go to a state park today that featured a train and waterfalls but the internet has been down for 24+ hours and our family couldn't remember how to get there. We do however, eat... all the time. I may gain 15 lbs. over the 6 days we're here. Tomorrow is our last full day and the big thing on the agenda is going to the pool (which I have yet to see) and taking grandma to get an orange rose bush. Yee haw!

Then we're off for a weekend in Columbus with Big Daddy's little sister, her football coach husband, her 6 yr. old daughter and 2 yr. old son. I see at least a couple of stories coming from this visit.

Fact #4
At least little sister is letting us sleep in their king size bed and they'll take the pull out sofa. I didn't bother to ask about where the girls will sleep. Who cares? I'll be in a real bed.

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Blogger rod said...

Yay. The perils of the road.
You were within two hours of my old neck of the woods while in Columbus. We used to drive over to see our crazy southern fried rock faves at Legend Valley Amphitheatre.
Do you know you could make a mint, just publishing a daily journal. You're every day is so much fun to read.
Hope Little Princess finally pooped.

June 23, 2007 at 8:46 PM  
Blogger The Teller said...

The princesses love a good truck stop bathroom and even have favorites around the country. They have a new #1 on I76 right before Akron. It has a Starbucks, Pizza Hut, Churchs Chicken, and good gas station selection of items you don't actually need (ie, windchimes?). The bathrooms are actual "rooms". In your personal "booth" is a toilet, sink, mirror, trash... all automatic and with plenty of leg room (very important to Big Princess). They even have a family bath"room" with a mommy potty, a little kid potty, and a changing table. Oh, and the girls love it when there is furniture in the bathroom and this had a large red leather sofa.

This calmed little princess' intestinal tract enough for it to release its tight grip and expel a week's worth of waste material.

June 25, 2007 at 8:44 AM  
Blogger The Teller said...

Wait! I could make a mint? Oh, never mind. I forgot that I have plenty of mint growing in the backyard.

June 25, 2007 at 8:46 AM  

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