p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Friday, May 04, 2007

Hoff the wagon

Oh how it hurts to watch the video of David Hasselhoff drunk and rolling around the hotel floor while trying to eat a hamburger. The former 'Baywatch' star claims to be a recovering alcoholic and other times he says he doesn't have a problem. Come on, you look like shit. I can smell you through the TV. How could you let your daughter see you like that? Pull it together man.

How I enjoyed Knight Rider as a kid. The Hoff always won the day. (or was it the night?) He was more mature during the Baywatch years but still winning at the end of the (swimsuit) season. I even get a kick out of him now. Like when he sang "Jump in my Car" on America's Got Talent... No wait, I didn't watch America's Got Talent... I don't even know what America's Got Talent is...

But back to the video

I understand the pain and loneliness of divorce (even though I haven't been divorced). My mother's been divorced five times so I've got plenty of experience. I've also seen several of my friends try to drink away the empty feelings. They have all eventually made it out of the dark with help and support from family and friends. I hope the Hoff does too.

No matter how painful it is for me to watch, I can only imagine how hard it must be for his daughters to live through.

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