p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Voting too early?

I voted early while I was at the courthouse this week. Heck, why not. There was no line and I was already there.

But now I'm wondering...

What if my candidate screws up big time before the "real" elections? Maybe he gets caught with a male prostitute or slips up and says he really doesn't like _____________ (insert favorite minority here).

What then? Can I re-nig my vote?

How about this one: What if one of the candidates dies before the "real" election? What happens then. I mean I understand if Bush goes we get Cheney as President until elections but does that mean the ballots would have to be reprinted with Cheney as President and a vice president to be named at a later date. How about Kerry? Would Edwards move up a slot? How is the vice presidential running mate then picked? Do they have to go back to convention for approval?

And what about my vote! Do I get stuck voting for a dead president? Or can I (and all of us) start over and vote for our choice of the new candidates?

Wow, I can't wait until someone starts reading my blog and answering my questions...


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