p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Friday, January 07, 2005

Dessert for Breakfast

I wouldn’t call it a diet but I am paying attention to what I’m consuming and making a conscience effort to treat my body better. I started a ten day cleanse six days ago. I’m supposed to eat lots of fruits & vegetables and clear liquids. I’m supposed to absolutely avoid fatty and fried food. I wasn’t doing too bad until lunch yesterday.

We had the field safety guys in the office for a meeting and we all went to lunch at Macaroni Grill. I ordered the portabella chicken knowing I could make two meals out of it. Well, I got to talking and next thing I know my plate is clean and the waitress is putting a beautiful tiramisu in front of me. I don’t know what happened.

Then this morning I’m making my cup of oatmeal and there are six dozen Krispy Kremes. I’m weak. I ate one and my oatmeal. Hey, I told myself, just consider it your dessert for the day.

To top off my poor choices today, I went to lunch with three divorcees from the office. I ate ok at the Thai restaurant, staying away from noodles and sticking to meat and veggies. I did boo boo at the spring rolls (2) and 1 scoop of ice cream (to stop the curry burning my tongue).

I have discovered that I don’t have much in common with the three divorced women but you definitely hear a lot different gossip. I’ve learned who’s dating who in the company, who dresses like a slut and why no one will say anything about it and who had sex in the elevator and got caught by the security guard. Ick, remind me not to touch anything in the elevator. I would have probably been better off brown bagging it today.


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