p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

New Version 2005.a

It's that time of year to start thinking about what I want for myself in the coming year. Not resolutions. Those are only made to be broken. And, then I feel bad that I failed. No!

I'm spending some time thinking about the perfect me, or at least a better version. I quit smoking this year and that was about it for changes. It took every thing I had. No, that's not true. I learned to crochet. That was pretty big too. My mom had tried to teach me serveral times so I thought I just couldn't learn how. Surprise, I couldn't learn from her. Hey, she is the one who taught me to smoke.

New Version 2005.a
Gotta work on swearing, I sound like a truck driver sometimes. I initially began it as a way to not smack my children when I got angry. I could just leave the room and swear, I didn't have to smack them like my mom did us kids. I need to get beyond this and use swearing as it was intended to be used.

Weight issues: I refuse to diet since it has the word die in it. This will take some additional thought. I should probably approach it like I did quitting smoking. Find my triggers, make plans for coping, and take each day as it comes. Ooops, and pray like crazy for help from above.

Wow, those are two big changes. Probably ought to stop there. I can always issue New Version 2005.a1 mid year.


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