p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Tune up for ol’ Davie

Ol’ Davie has not been himself lately, grumpy, snapping at the cats. So I took him to the vet for a little look see. Well, his anal sacs were full and that’s enough to make anyone cranky.

MORE THAN YOU EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT ANAL SACS OR WHY IS MY PET SCOOTING? (taken from http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_anal_sacs.html)

Many people own pets for years without ever learning that anal sacs exist at all. Anal sacs (also called "anal glands") are two small glands just inside your pet's anus. The material secreted into these glands is thick and foul smelling. Most animals can empty these glands voluntarily for scent marking or in self defense (like a skunk might do). Domestic animals have largely lost their ability to empty these sacs voluntarily. Walking around and normal defecation serves to empty the glands but some animals become unable to empty their glands on their own at all. The sacs become impacted and uncomfortable. Dogs with impacted anal sacs usually scoot their rear on the ground in an attempt to empty the glands. Some dogs will lick their anal area and other dogs will chase their tails.

OK, now we know about anal glands.

HOW OFTEN SHOULD ANAL SACS BE EMPTIED?This is a highly individual situation. The best recommendation is to let the pet tell you when the sacs are full. If the pet starts scooting again, it is time to bring him in.

Great, now I have to actually listen to my dog instead of just talking all the time.

WHAT IF MY PET'S SACS SEEM TO REQUIRE EMPTYING ALL THE TIME?To avoid the expense of having the sacs emptied, you can learn to empty them yourself at home but most people feel it is well worth having someone else perform this service.

If you are of weak constitution, do not read any farther. Seriously.

A rag or tissue is held up to the anus and both sides of the anal area are squeezed. If the secretion is very pasty, this method may be inadequate to empty the sacs.

A lubricated gloved finger is inserted in the anus and the sac is squeezed between thumb & forefinger into a tissue held externally. The procedure is repeated on the opposite side

[Cough], excuse me? You want me to do what?

My dog better get a job to pay for anal sac emptying or get over it totally cause I don’t see me doing it for him. Heck, I wouldn’t do that for my husband.


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