p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Visiting Countries

I’m not extremely technical in computer areas. Heck, I can’t believe I set up this blog without assistance. So I’m still navigating the wonderful world of blogs. I can’t figure out how to put in pictures and the help column is written in techno babble so I don’t see it happening. I did figure out how to add a counter and view reports. It doesn’t give me personal data on who reads this (thank goodness) but it does tell me what country the visitor is from.

So far I’ve been visited by Iceland, Canada, Portugal, Sweden and Australia. Sweet! I wonder how many visitors read English? Ok, I also wonder what they think when they read it. Do they think “Wow, I knew the Americans were weird but this proves it.” Oh… What language do they speak in Iceland? I think its Finnish but I could be wrong. And why have I not been visited by my neighbors to the south? Heck, we’re only 3 hours apart. They could just drop by for a quick read for goodness sake.

Sorry to take up your time but I just thought it was cool that such foreign countries came for a visit. You know what would be really cool? Greece or France stopping by…


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