Cracking Myself Up (again)
I hope my kids remember how funny I was after I'm gone.
"Your Grammy was the funniest person for miles and miles. People would read her blog every day just to laugh. Some of them even had to use dial up internet just to read her blog."
"Dial up, Mom? What's dial up?"
"Well honey, they used to have to plug their computers into phone jacks that would.."
"What's a phone jack?"
"Shhh, do you want to hear about Grammy or not? Well, dial up was so slow that it would take like 5 or 10 seconds every time it changed screens. But they'd do it, they sure would, just to read Grammy's Blog and laugh. Now that was way back before the government started taxing laughter..."
"Mom, What was it called again, Grammy's blog?"
"ps. I love you"
"ohhhhhh yeah"
"Now hush, you want 'the man' to tax ya?"
tee-hee.... who' s the one speaking big princess or little?..taxing laughter...hahaaha must be george bush jr.jr.jr...hahah
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