p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Monday, January 09, 2006

Show and Tell

Well, the birds are fed and tucked in for the night, the fish have been feed and the lights turned down, the ferrets have been medicated, given their "medicinal" Lucky Charms and are snug in their hammocks, little princes and her cat, Bye-Bye, are down for the night, Big Princess is back at school doing God knows what, my dog, Davie, waits sleepily by the bedroom door, and I am alone to enjoy one hour til I turn into a pumpkin.

Life is back to normal.

But what of my last entry, you ask.

My pastor told the story of the Magi Sunday and he referenced the Hawaiian Bible. Could there really be such a thing? He said it called the Three Wise men something like "those smart guys that knew stuff about the sky."

I had to see for myself and its totally true. Its one of the most beautiful things I've read.


It took little princess and I a little bit to get the pronunciation down but we loved it. We called Big Daddy into the room to hear it. She wants a hard copy she can show people and she can't wait to share it with her Sunday School class. (I couldn't wait to share it with you!)

What was the last thing your child couldn't wait to share with their Sunday School class?


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