p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

On The Road Again

No, its not another family vacation... thank God. I'm in the field, as we call it at work, three hours from home. I spent the day in a small office training people. I enjoy going to the field. I enjoy training. I enjoy people.

The people in the field start their day much early and they're off much earlier than I'm used to in the corporate world. At 3:30 pm, they kicked me out. Me. Out.

I'm used to working til atleast 5 pm, then some gym time or shopping, maybe a meeting. I'm rarely home before 6:30 pm. Then I make dinner (ocassionally), do my chores (feed the kittens, read the mail, talk to the bird, etc), and get ready for work the next day.

Today I was free and clear at 3:30 pm. 3:30 pm people, do you hear me. And in a little bitty town where shopping consists of Wal-Mart. What to do?

I do have several friends in the area who usually join me for dinner or drinks. I started calling. They all knew I would be in town today. Meetings to attend, family obligations to see to, projects that couldn't be postponed, sudden out of town travel and one "I'm just too tired."

My paranoia sets in and I begin to weave a story that no one wants to hang out with me. "What did I do? Did I say something? Tell an off color joke? Do I smell! Just tell damnit! I can take it. Wait, no I can't."

Well, tomorrow I head an hour north for a Safety Meeting that starts at 8 am, then 2.5 hours northwest for a meeting and then 3.5 hours home. It will be a long day with lots of driving but atleast I'll have good company... me.

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