p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

The Day It All Started--21 years ago

Today I lose my designated driver but gain a drinking buddy.

Happy Birthday Big Princess!

Ah, I remember well the 20 hrs of hard labor that still resulted in a c-section from hell by a doctor that didn't speak English. The 15 days in the hospital due to complications. The fact that you were so freaking big I had to send someone out to buy bigger baby clothes because you didn't fit into the newborn size clothes I had to take you home from the hospital in.

You ruined my body. I gain 60 lbs before I finally had you ripped from my womb 3 weeks late. I ended up with a 10" x 2" scar and no sensation from my who-ha to my belly button. I still have problems with the nerve that became trapped in my hip socket when my ligaments didn't loosen up and my hips didn't spread enough.

All said, I'd do it again to have you as my best friend (that I get to boss around--I mean parent).


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