p.s. I Love You

I may be funny to my friends but my family just thinks I'm strange.

Location: French Guiana

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I Used the Deacon Card...

I went to the hospital to a young lady who's mother is a member of our church. I received an email that she had her baby 7 weeks early and the baby was under 5 lbs. The mother is a very sweet girl of 19. I know that's not really a girl but she just seems so very young.

She was very excited to see me and asked if I wanted to see the baby in PICU. "Of course, I'd love to see her." Then she looked a little worried. She said the nurse on duty down there was mean to her and would I be mad if they wouldn't let me in to see the baby.

"Would I be mad?" I wondered why she thought I'd be mad. Disappointed maybe, but mad?

We trucked down to the ward, washed up, gowned up and just kinda slide in the room. She is a very beautiful baby with extremely long fingers and toes and lots of hair. She has some monitors but is breathing on her own and feeding from a bottle. She's only in PICU due to her low birth weight. We oooh'd and aaah'd for close to 10 minutes before the nurse walked up with a clipboard and said "What is your name?"

"PSILY, the mother's deacon."
"You're not on the list. You have to go."

The nurse then lectured the mother about only the 5 people on the list were allowed to see the baby and the list cannot be modified. I was like, holy hell, no one else is allowed to see the baby and its going to be here for 5 weeks.

Ok, I am mad. I pulled the deacon card and still got the boot. Maybe I need to make me an "official" deacon id card.



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